Corporate Bank

Group-wide payments

Together with our partner, SAP, we support you in optimising your bank-specific requirements. You can increase your process efficiency with our customised in-house bank.

By implementing a corporate bank, you can integrate your cash management, intra-group pooling, netting, ongoing investments of non-liquid funds and intra-group lending in SAP. For greater process efficiency, lower costs and strong compliance.

Michael Völkl, EXPERT for Corporate Banking


Liquidity management and the Treasury Management Factory can cover all your bank-specific needs. Together, we optimise your existing business processes and ensure greater process efficiency.

  • Internal payments within the Group: Payments between group companies (subsidiaries) are mapped and regulated via the subsidiaries' in-house bank accounts with the group holding company as bank manager.
  • External payments: external payments by the in-house bank (payment on behalf; payment & collection factory).
  • Centralised cash receipt (cash pooling): External deposits are only made to bank accounts of the Group holding company. The centralised cash receipts are then credited to the respective companies.


With the BDF Liquidity Planning Cockpit (BDF LPC), you can plan your liquidity directly integrated in SAP. In the BDF LPC, you can define individual planning structures and periods and enter planning data. Information from the individual areas is automatically derived and assigned to the liquidity items.


The central processing and organisation of Group-wide payment transactions contributes significantly to the creation of synergy effects through real-time transmission to Cash Management as well as transparency in payment transactions.

Expertise in the area of intra-group cash pooling and the assumption of intercompany payment processing replace external services provided by banks and thus contribute to a significant reduction in operating costs.

Through transparent and centralised processing, we create simple structures and a better overview of your banking transactions.

BDF EXPERTS' corporate banking approach is not only fully integrated into SAP but also ensures that all legal requirements are met.