Project Controlling & Management
Efficient controlling and management are indispensable, especially in large projects. We will show you the best solutions for maintaining a complete overview of cost and time structures within all project phases at all times. Easy Cost Planning in combination with BDF's in-house development "MIKA" enables clean project monitoring and control, so that synergies can be created with other sub-areas.

Project controlling tailored to your company gives you the opportunity to maintain an overview in every phase of a project. With our simultaneous costing (MIKA), you can compare several forecast scenarios using different controlling versions and adjust them flexibly at any time. You receive support from MIKA Preliminary, which continuously provides you with current values (e.g. from purchase requisitions or planned hours on a network activity) from the project. Based on an optimised data framework, you are able, for example, to derive targeted follow-up activities in order to counteract undesirable forecast deviations at an early stage.
Full cost control from the quotation phase through to project completion
with BDF Simultaneous Costing Cockpit (BDF SCC)
Clean project monitoring and control
Make it possible to recognise unforeseen events quickly, react appropriately and initiate the right follow-up action.
Mapping of various forecast scenarios
Flexible planning by mapping different company views, such as project management and financial controlling.
Efficient project processes
Use Project Controlling & Management to precisely coordinate the budget, costs incurred (personnel, materials, etc.) and resource planning.