Cash Visibility
Generate a transparent, holistic overview of your company-wide cash positions. The cash visibility approach from BDF EXPERTS gives you real-time insight into your company's cash movements.

Real-time cash visibility (CV) is a central element of financial management and plays an increasingly important role in the success of a group of companies, especially in today's world. Real-time CV is essential for the strategic decisions of cash managers and treasurers. Targeted liquidity management (liquidity planning) for cash and risk positions ensures the solvency of your company.
Traditional cash management focusses on the question of how much money/cash is in the company accounts. At BDF, we expand the classic concept to include a holistic, integrated approach based on the latest digitalisation options.

Optimise and plan your liquidity
With the BDF Liquidity Planning Cockpit (BDF LPC), you can plan your liquidity directly integrated in SAP. In the BDF LPC, you can define individual planning structures and periods and enter planning data. Information from the individual areas is automatically derived and assigned to the liquidity items.
Real-time analysis
With BDF's cash visibility approach, you can map your cash flows in real time thanks to automatic data consolidation.
Simple cash visibility
By automatically consolidating all bank balances in a central overview, you simplify your cash visibility approach.
More precise liquidity forecast
A precise liquidity forecast for efficient cash and risk management.