Heijmans optimises Treasury Management
As one of the largest construction companies in the Netherlands, Heijmans stands for quality, innovation and integrated solutions. In line with these values, a new treasury management solution was also to be implemented. Heijmans found the right partner for the implementation in BDF EXPERTS.
Heijmans had previously used the stand-alone IT2 solution for its treasury management system. In the project, this was to be replaced by an SAP-integrated treasury management solution. Heijmans also wanted to optimise its cash management and thus its cash visibility, as it lacked a transparent overview of its cash. Reports on the current situation, for example, had to be compiled in Excel at great expense.

A tight schedule and limited internal resources required a partner who could realise the desired functions efficiently and quickly. BDF EXPERTS scored points not only with its expertise in treasury management, but also with the BDF add-on solutions for the SAP standard and the BDF project methodology for rapid project realisation. With the start of the project in March 2019, BDF first analysed and optimised the treasury and cash processes and prepared an in-house bank with intercompany payments. The go-live for the in-house bank took place just four months later, at the end of July. At the same time, BDF began implementing the BDF Cash Position Cockpit (CPC) and the BDF Treasury Reporting Suite.
The Cash Position Cockpit offers Heijmans the opportunity to monitor its cash on a daily basis and to conveniently control the daily planning from a cockpit view. The Treasury Reporting Suite enables Heijmans to generate a net debt report with one click, which was previously compiled in Excel at great expense in terms of time and resources. The practical drill-down function also allows the data to be tracked precisely.
Heijmans is satisfied with the fast project duration (on time and on budget) and the realisation of its treasury management goals. Further optimisations in treasury management are to follow in 2020.